5 Different Punters You Meet At The Casino

5 Different Punters You Meet At The Casino

One thing I love about casinos is the varied mix of people. For the most part you will simply brush shoulders, perhaps a little bit of chit chat, or nod of acknowledgement. Gambling brings together rich and poor, regular faces, tourists or someone going to the casino for their very first time. The next time you go to a casino stop and look around you and consider the story behind your fellow gamblers. Your thoughts may be right or wrong but, to me, the story behind each person brings the meaning to the experience. Here are 5 different punters you meet at the casino.

1) The First Timer

Let’s start at the beginning. You can often see those enjoying the casino experience for the first time because they are a little tentative, wet behind the ears and usually more interested in watching than betting. Many casinos offer talks prior to the tablets opening to run you through the rules and answer questions. They may even give you a free bet to get you started. Gambling should always be a considered action and not taken lightly but it can also be a new venue of excitement and pleasure. It’s not everyday you go to a casino and it’s an experience that I would suggest you dip your toe whether gambler or not.

2) The Regular

The majority of casino customers are regulars. It’s like going to your local pub you see the same old faces and they are often known by the staff and each other. Whether these people are recreational gamblers, compulsive, or addicts who knows. They are most likely a percentage of each. They usually have their favourite game and flit in and out. Even regulars aren’t playing every night of the week but they probably keep the casino afloat and keep the staff on their toes.

3) The Compulsive Gambler Or Addict

If you see some frequenting the casino more than a regular then the chances are they have a gambling problem. I’m not quite sure if the casino have a quiet word with these individuals to detail where they can get help or if they just regard them as a lost cause and just hope they have some luck. You can usually spot a compulsive gambler because they look a little dishevelled often betting small money and some whose life is very much like ground-hog day. It’s a hard life to lead because it ultimately leads to someone’s demise.

4) The Gambling Deviant

Where there’s money you will always find a small number of vulture-like individuals – predominantly men – who are there to take advantage of situations. It might be someone laundering money, the chancer who wants to befriend a winner, or the bloke who texts a message that the big fat man wearing a red shirt is going to leave the casino in five minutes time and he has £5,000 in the left pocket of his trousers. Always be vigilant of your surrounding and people, especially if you notice the same person watching your every move. When playing at the tablets, especially roulette, keep your eye on the table and your chips. It’s easy for someone to steal a couple of £25 chips off your stack if you turn your back for a second. Think safety first when leaving the casino because you could well be mugged if you have been a big winner. Ask the casino to call a taxi and only leave when it arrives.

5) The Professional Gambler

You don’t see many pro gamblers about these day in casinos. They are most associated with blackjack (card counting) or playing poker. You will need to be a very slick operator to get away with card counting. If spotted they will ask you to bet level stake or leave. You will know a pro gambler by the money they bet and the manner they bet. They aren’t usually flustered by losses and have a lonely demeanour. Often fascinating people to talk to if you get a chance.

Photo: Pixabay (free)
