Unless you are a robot, you have emotions. In fact, Carroll Izzard identified 10 primary emotions. I’m sure gamblers will recognise a number which all have an impact on your behaviour if not your long term health. From personal experience, I can appreciate how stressful a losing run can be, painful not only in mind but pocket too. However, emotions aren’t all negative so let’s take a look at these 5 emotions which play a part in your casino experience whether good, bad or indifferent.
1) Interest
They say curiosity killed the cat. But your interest in gambling or the casino experience saw you head to your local venue or perhaps a holiday such as a cruise. Basically it has caught your focus and curiosity. Gambling releases a number of neurotransmitters such as norepinephrine, serotonin, dopamine, opioid and glutamate. They are related to both the good side of gambling and bad, such as gambling pathology and psychopathology. For this reason all who take an interest in gambling should be careful not to get in the grip of their emotions or addiction.
2) Shame
Perhaps few people gamble and feel shame. You would consider if you feel it is a shameful act you wouldn’t take part although often the temptation to bet can be strong. Certainly many different religions would view gambling as a sin. Also, you may feel shame if your friends and family view your interest as immoral which leads to embarrassment or humiliation. If you feel such emotion you may question whether gambling is for you.
3) Anger
If you’ve had a bad day at the office (casino, bookmakers, online poker) and lost a lot of cash – or even a small amount – you may well feel angry with yourself or those around you. Anger is defined as a strong feeling of annoyance, displeasure or hostility. Anger related to gambling is rooted in frustration. You should never bet when angry or continue if you are feeling angry or direct your anger at casino staff. Remember, it is your problem and not someone else. If you feel this emotion take a break or better still go home and assess if gambling is for you. If gambling affects your personal relationships especially your family then stop.
4) Disgust
If you suffer this emotion, you probably have a gambling problem either a compulsion or addiction. A definition of disgust is a feeling of revulsion or strong disapproval. This may be from yourself or others. If you feel disgusted by your behaviour or financial loss then you should take a break or knock betting on the head. If you are struggling to stop gambling then seek professional help. You may be suffering from addiction which is a psychopathology.
5) Joy
After so many negative emotions let’s take a look at the joy a small or especially big win can bring. That’s the roller coaster ride that gambling gives and the buzz so much associated by many who simply enjoy a bet or suffer from addiction. There is nothing better than the feeling of pleasure walking home with a pocket of cash.
All these emotions and more can be experiences on a single night at the casino. Always reflect on your feelings because they are the reality of the experience. If your life is in anyway way made more negative from gambling then you have a responsibility to yourself and family to change. There is more to life.
Photo: Pixabay (free)