cigar lounge

5 Premier Cigar Lounges on the Las Vegas Strip

Image by prostooleh on Freepik

5 Premier Cigar Lounges on the Las Vegas StripThe Las Vegas Strip is known for its luxurious experiences, and for cigar aficionados, the allure extends to its sophisticated cigar lounges. These establishments offer more than just a place to smoke; they provide a sanctuary for relaxation and camaraderie, complemented by fine spirits and elegant surroundings. Here’s a look at five of the top cigar lounges on the Las Vegas Strip.

1. Davidoff of Geneva Cigar Bar: 

Location: The Fashion Show Mall

Overview: Davidoff of Geneva Cigar Bar is synonymous with luxury. Situated at The Fashion Show Mall, this bar offers an extensive selection of premium cigars and fine spirits. The ambiance is modern and sleek, with an indoor lounge and an outdoor patio providing stunning views of the Strip. Their humidor is meticulously curated, featuring Davidoff cigars alongside other renowned brands. A dedicated team of tobacconists is available to guide both seasoned smokers and newcomers through their selection.


Extensive cigar collection including exclusive Davidoff blends.
Outdoor patio with a view of the Las Vegas Strip.
Gourmet pairings of cigars with fine spirits and cocktails.

2. Casa Fuente:

Location: The Forum Shops at Caesars Palace

Overview: Casa Fuente is a must-visit for cigar enthusiasts visiting Caesars Palace. Known for its exclusive Fuente cigars, this lounge offers a cozy and vibrant atmosphere. The interior is richly decorated with leather furnishings and dark wood, exuding a classic Cuban vibe. Casa Fuente also boasts a full bar with a wide selection of rums, tequilas, and specialty cocktails designed to enhance the cigar-smoking experience.


Exclusive Fuente cigar offerings.
Cuban-inspired decor with an inviting ambiance.
Specialty cocktails like the signature Casa Mojito.

3. Montecristo Cigar Bar:

Location: Caesars Palace

Overview: Montecristo Cigar Bar at Caesars Palace is a modern haven for cigar enthusiasts. The lounge features a contemporary design with a spacious, open layout. Its standout feature is the humidor, which houses a diverse array of cigars including the renowned Montecristo brand. The bar menu is equally impressive, offering an extensive selection of whiskeys, wines, and beers. The Montecristo Cigar Bar combines sophistication with comfort, making it an ideal spot for both casual and serious cigar lovers.


Large humidor with a diverse cigar selection.
Extensive whiskey collection.
Modern design with comfortable seating areas.

4. Rhumbar:

Location: The Mirage

Overview: Rhumbar at The Mirage provides a tropical twist on the traditional cigar lounge. This open-air venue is adorned with Caribbean-inspired decor, creating a relaxed and festive atmosphere. Rhumbar’s cigar menu includes a variety of premium selections, complemented by a creative cocktail list and a wide range of rums. The outdoor patio, with its lush greenery and comfortable seating, offers a tranquil escape from the bustling Strip.


Tropical decor and open-air setting.
Extensive rum and cocktail menu.
Comfortable outdoor seating with a relaxed vibe.

5. Vato Cigars:

Location: Binion’s Gambling Hall

Overview: Vato Cigars at Binion’s Gambling Hall offers a more intimate and traditional cigar lounge experience. Known for its boutique selection of handcrafted cigars, Vato Cigars is a family-owned establishment that prides itself on quality and craftsmanship. The lounge area is quaint and comfortable, with a warm, welcoming atmosphere. The friendly staff is knowledgeable and passionate about their cigars, ensuring a personalized experience for each guest.


Boutique selection of handcrafted cigars.
Family-owned with a focus on quality.
Intimate, cozy setting.


The Las Vegas Strip’s cigar lounges offer a diverse range of experiences for cigar enthusiasts. From the upscale elegance of Davidoff of Geneva and Casa Fuente to the tropical escape of Rhumbar, each lounge provides a unique ambiance and selection that caters to different tastes. Whether you’re a seasoned aficionado or a curious newcomer, these five cigar lounges on the Strip promise an unparalleled experience of luxury, relaxation, and camaraderie.

Photo: Freepik