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“The House” (2017) burst onto the television scene with its unique blend of drama, comedy, and high-stakes action, offering viewers a fresh perspective on the world of gambling. Created by a talented ensemble cast led by Olivia Wilde, the series introduces audiences to an underground casino operated by a group of friends facing financial turmoil. Here are five key points that make “The House” a standout in the realm of gambling TV series.
1) Friendship and Camaraderie:
At the heart of “The House” lies a compelling narrative centered around friendship and camaraderie. The series kicks off with a group of friends grappling with financial challenges and, in a bold move, deciding to open an underground casino to alleviate their troubles. The dynamic between the characters is a driving force behind the show’s success, exploring the highs and lows of their relationships as they navigate the risky world of running an illicit gambling operation. The genuine chemistry among the cast members adds depth to the storyline, making it a relatable and engaging experience for viewers.
2) Risk and Consequences:
As the friends delve deeper into the operation of their underground casino, “The House” expertly weaves a narrative that explores the consequences of their risky decisions. From the initial excitement of making quick money to the escalating challenges they face, the series delves into the moral and legal implications of their actions. The rollercoaster of emotions and the unpredictable outcomes keep audiences on the edge of their seats, emphasizing the high-stakes nature of both gambling and the characters’ lives.
3) Genre-Defying Blend:
“The House” stands out for its ability to seamlessly blend genres. While it revolves around the world of gambling, the series incorporates elements of comedy, drama, and even moments of suspense. This genre-defying approach not only caters to a diverse audience but also adds layers of complexity to the characters and their interactions. The show’s willingness to break free from traditional genre constraints contributes to its broad appeal and keeps viewers hooked throughout the season.
4) Strong Female Lead:
Olivia Wilde’s portrayal of the charismatic and resourceful leader of the group adds a refreshing dimension to “The House.” In a genre often dominated by male protagonists, Wilde’s character brings a strong and dynamic female perspective to the forefront. Her performance as the driving force behind the underground casino contributes to the show’s overall empowerment narrative, challenging traditional gender roles in the world of gambling and crime.
5) Themes of Morality and Redemption:
“The House” delves into complex themes of morality and redemption as the characters grapple with the consequences of their actions. The series explores the moral gray areas of operating an illegal gambling establishment and the impact it has on the characters’ lives. As the narrative unfolds, viewers are taken on a journey of self-discovery and redemption, creating a multi-faceted storyline that goes beyond the surface-level glamour of the gambling world.
In conclusion, “The House” (2017) emerges as a captivating and multi-dimensional gambling TV series that transcends traditional genre boundaries. With its focus on friendship, risk, and morality, coupled with a stellar cast and a unique blend of genres, the series has successfully carved its niche in the ever-expanding landscape of television storytelling. As audiences continue to crave fresh narratives, “The House” stands as a shining example of innovation in the realm of gambling-themed television series.
Photo: Freepik